Whiskey on the Rocks - Staffel 1

Schweden, 2024, 29 min
Serien / Komödie / Krieg / Drama
  • Regisseur:
    Henrik Jansson-Schweizer
  • Darsteller:
    Rolf Lassgård, Anders Mossling, Niklas Engdahl, Kęstutis Jakštas, Mark Noble, Filip Berg, Artur Svorobovich, Rolf Lydahl, Per Ragnar
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Whiskey on the Rocks - Staffel 1 kostenlos Stream serien deutsch bei MEGAKino

In the middle of the Cold War, a Soviet submarine runs aground outside Karlskrona and suddenly Sweden finds itself at the center of events. Prime Minister Thorbjörn Fälldin tries to resolve the conflict and avoid a world war between two nuclear powers while struggling with a wise foreign minister and a belligerent commander-in-chief.

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